Basic (Aug 17, 2021)

:cut(string,first,last): Cutting example words :cut(success,0,4): output becomes succ
:strip(string): Changing spaces to strips example :strip(let's work): produces output let's-work
:usite: Displays the site url
:last_site: Show last visited url
:get-string: Is a tag displaying get for example url will output test ,:get-id: can be replaced with :get-database: or :get-page: etc.
:get-string(no string): It is a tag that displays get if it is empty it will display does not exist
:to-string: Is a tag displaying the url get to-id for example url will display tests , :to-id: can be replaced with :to-database: or :to-page: etc.
:to-string(no string): Is a tag to display the url get to-id if empty it will display no
:stat-counter: Displaying site statistics
:hash=(string): Convert String to Morse code
:on-all: Shows the total number of all online
:on-user: Shows the number of online users
:on-guest: Shows the number of guests online
:my_name: Shows my username when logged in
:phone: Displays the device used
:browser: Displays the browser used
:login: Displays the login form
:site-reg: Url register
:site-login: Login url
:site_url: Displays the site url
:page_url: Display page url
[title]text[/title] Title of example page: [title] Sharing place [/title]
::date: Displays the current time
::date=:: Displays the current time with a time format that can be set
:img-id file: Displaying the image
:include=idsite: to display the contents of the target site id for example :include=1:


Variables are useful for your code efficiency so you don't type too much code. simply group the same text then call with the variable when you need that text again without repeating the same text.
  1. %animals=lions like tigers;
  2. %myblog=[db] bid=blog, l=10 || %title%<br />%text%<br /> [/db];

To display the results, you can use the code according to the variables that you created

  1. code %animal; then the result is the contents of the animal variable, namely a lion like a tiger
  2. code %myblog; then the result is the contents of my blog variable whose contents are the result of codeio [db] which will display the database list


JSON is used to change the json api code into the list code we want, usually the json api link is a list text provided by the website provider.

CODEIO Json writing format

<json> setting || content </json>

You can fill in the settings section with the following parameters using a comma separator "," for example txt=fill in json above, jlist=items

  1. txt=json code example: text={success: "true", failed: "false"}
  2. url=json api link example: url=http: //
  3. jlist=json selector functions as which json we want to make the looping list (leave blank for detail json mode) for example: jlist=items or jlist=kind|item for further
  4. s=select number functions to select and display only 1 contents of json for example: s=1

You can fill in the content section with the following code list

  1. %jsn(var)% - displays the first json data
  2. %jsn(var|var)% - displays the second json data
  3. %jsn(var|var|var)% - displays the third json data
  4. %jsn(var|var|var|var)% - displays the fourth json data

Example if the json code is

{"success": "true", "failed": "false"}
whereas we want to retrieve the contents of success then the code is
%jsn(success)% then the output is true according to the json code

The second example is if the json code types like this

{"success": {"name": "eldio"}}
{"success": [{"name": "eldio"}]}

use this code %jsn(success|name)%

json list example

if the json code looks like this
{ "status" : "success", "items" : [{ "kind" : "oke", "id" : { "videoId" : "ewr4r4r" } }] }
  1. <json>txt=fill in json above ,jlist=items||%jsn(kind)%<br /></json> result "oke"
  2. <json>txt=fill in json above ,jlist=items||%jsn(kind|id)%<br /></json> result "ewr4r4r"


1. Replace

replace is useful for replacing text that we want to change into other text. Writing format
[replace=(object)] word to replace || substitute word [/replace]
For example, if we want to change the word from the object I like him to I love him then the code is as follows
[replace=(I like him)]like||love[/replace]
The second example is if we want to change the word from the object but more than one word I like him becomes I love you then the code is as follows
[replace=(I like him)]like[]him||love[]you[/replace]
Use[]as separator
Objects can also use CODEIO for example :to-id: etc.

2. If Else or condition

Serves to set which text is approved or excluded.

Writing format

(if variable1=value) displays content (/if)
For example, if we want to display "I'm happy" but if can happy=happy then the code is as follows
(if happy=happy) I'm happy (/if)
  1. Apart from can=can then the word will not appear, for example can=very, variable1 must=(same as) variable2. You can condition variables with various code tags such as database tags, fm, math and so on.
  2. In addition to the = symbol (same as), the > < symbol can also be used. (bigger) < (smaller), for symbols < and > only applies to number variables.
Example: (if 10<4) wow true (/if).
= same as
~ is not the same as
> has a greater value
< less value

3. Math or calculations

Math is useful for counting and adding up a value.
Writing format
For example if we want to add 10 + 20 then the code is as follows
[math]10+20[/math]then the result is 30
Example 2 if we add up 10+20/5 then the result is 14, so for a different result, we have to group it with a sign () eg (10 + 20 ) / 5 then the result is 6.
+ Addition
- reduction
* Multiplication
/ Division
() Differentiator

4. Random or random

Random is used to scramble the text that we have determined from several randomized texts so that it displays one random text.
Writing format
  1. [rand-open]is the opening code
  2. [/rand-close]is the closing code
  3. [r]is the separator code between text from one another
The code above will display the results of one of the animal names randomly

File manager

1. Displays a list of file managers

Previously, make sure you have uploaded the file and created a folder in the file manager menu on the
panel if you have just displayed it on the page you want.

Writing format

[fm] Settings || Content [/fm]

Parameter set is a function that controls the appearance of the file, parameter set is separated by commas
d=0 1 2, o=u, l=10, s =:to-page:, no=no file

The following is a list of parameter sets that can be filled in the setting

format area.
d=number which directory id will display the file
example1:d=1 example2:d=0 1 2 3 example3:d =:to-id (0):
o=order by
- o=u Order based on latest updates beginning
- o=ul Order based on oldest updates earlier
- o=n Order by name
- o=r Random order
- o=h Order by most downloads
for example:o=u,
l=maximum number of files to be displayed
- l=number file display limit
example:l=10 will display 10 files
s starts from the order in which the files are displayed
- s=number initial sequence example s=0
- s=get auto page jump based on get example:s =:to-page:
no=if there is no file
- no=text this parameter will appear if the file does not exist, for example:no=there is no file bro
to=is used for file details based on the link to=
- to=number displays by id example:to=1 will display database with id 1
- to=get displays files based on get example:to =:to-file:

search=Displays word search files
- search=get displays files based on get search results for example:search =:to-search:
usr=display files based on user uploaded
- usr=username based on the user who uploaded the
file example :user=eldio will display the uploaded file eldio
- usr=:to-user: displays files by :to-user:and to user can be replaced with to others for example:to-id: or :to-uid:it's up to you depending on your get to link


This content parameter will appear. The following is a list of
content parameters
code Description
%id% Displays file id
%token% Morse code token
%sn% Displays the file sequence number
%id_folder% Displays the id_folder file
%name% Displays the file title
%thumb% Displays thumbnail images
%urlthumb% Show thumbnail image url
%icon% Displays the file icon
%size% Displays the file size
%hits% Show total file downloads
%description% Shows file description
%del% Displays the file deletion link
%time_upl% Displays the file upload time format 12-12-2014 (06:30)
%time_upl=time format% Displays the upload time of the database, the format can be changed
%time_download% Displays the last download time of file format 12-12-2014 (06:30)
%time_download=time format% Displays the last download time the database format can be changed
%by% Show the file uploader
%var-value% Displays sample file variables:%var-screen%
%link% Displays the download link
%apk-thumb% Displays the apk url thumbnail
%audio_play% Displays the audio player
%music-duration% Displays music duration
%music-title% Displays the music title (the format for writing the file name must be artist - title.mp3)
%music-artist% Displays the music artist (the format for writing the file name must be artist - title.mp3)
%music-album% Displays the music album (import files do not apply, use the var tag)
%music-year% Displays the music year (import files do not apply, use the var tag)
%music-composer% Displays the music composer (import files do not apply, use the var tag)
%music-bitrate% Displays the music bit rate (import files do not apply, use the var tag)
%music-thumb% Displays the music url image thumbnail (import files do not apply, use the var tag)

example of writing tag file manager:
[fm] d=0, o=u, l=5, s =:to-page:, no=None || < a href="site-1.html? to-file =%id%" >%name%< /a > (%size%) < br /> [/fm]

Displays the total number of all
[fm] d=0, l=0, n=0 ||%count%[/fm]

2. Folder

used to display the
folder Writing format
[fm_folder] set || content [/fm_folder]
The following are the parameters of the set:
  1. Set d (directory id):
  2. d =:to-id (0): Set directory to get to-id
  3. no=sentence this parameter will appear if there is no
The following are the parameters of the content:
  1. %id% Show the folder id
  2. %name% Displays the folder name
  3. %count% Displays the number of folders
Example: [fm_folder] d =:to-id (0) ||%name%(%count%) < br /> [/fm_folder]

3. Edit File Manager

The user writing format is
[setfm] set || content [/setfm]
Parameter set can be filled with the following variables:
  1. ud=link site The page will be selected to which site link after the process is successful, for example:ud=site-3.html
  2. to=file id is mandatory to make sure which id files will be edited
Content Parameters can be filled with the following variables:
  1. :name: displays the edit name input
  2. :description: displays the edit description textarea
  3. :var-value var: displays the var user input for example:var-gender:
  4. :var-value var (option var): displays the user's select var example:var-type (jpg | png):separated by a |
  5. :submit: displays the submit input form
  6. :submit=text: displays the submit value can be changed
Example: [setfm] to =:to-id:, ud=site-0.html || Address:< br /> :var-address::submit:[/setfm]

Data base

1. Displays the main database list

Previously, make sure you have written the database on the database menu on the panel.
If you have written the database, just display it on the page you want.
Writing format
Parameter set is a function that controls the appearance of the database, the parameter set is separated by commas Example:o=u, l=10, s=:to-page:, no=none. The following is a list of parameter sets that can be filled in theset
format area
  1. Set o (order):
    o=uOrder based on latest updates beginning
    o=ulOrder based on oldest update at earliest
    o=nOrder by database name
    o=rRandom database ordering
    o=hOrder according to most hits at the beginning of
    o=hlOrder by least hits at the beginning
    o=lcOrder based on last comments beginning
  2. Set t (time):
    t=dayDisplays today's database
    t=weekDisplays the current week database
    t=monthDisplays the current month's database
  3. Set bid (database divider):
    With this function you can create forums, guestbooks, status updates, etc. with the tag database. Thebidfunction is the difference between one database and another.
    how to make a bid readable in the tagdatabase form bid=textDisplays the database based on the bid that has been settext. Clear bid to show database without bidMy databasecan be replaced with anything.
  4. Set l (limit):
    l=numberdatabase display limit
    example:l=10 will display 10 databases
  5. Set html (on /off):
    html=offdisables applying html code to text %text%
    html=onenables applying html code to text %text%
    example:l=10 will display 10 databases
  6. Set s (initial limit):
    s=numbersequence from database beginning
    example:s=0 means that the database starts from the main sequence
    s=getautomatic page jump based on get link example:s=:to-page:means get-to-thing
  7. Set no (text):
    no=textThis parameter will appear if the database does not exist
    example:no=no database bro
  8. Set to (show by get to) is used for detail info:
    to=numberdisplays database based on database id
    example:to=1 will display the database with id 1
    to=getdisplays database based on get to and to database can be replaced with to others, for example:to-id:or:to-bid:it depends on the get to link, for example:to=:to-database:
  9. Set usr (display by user):
  10. usr=usernamebased on the user who wrote the database
    example:user=eldio will display the database written eldio
    usr=getdisplays the database based on get example:usr=:to-user:
  11. Set search:
    search=getshows database search based on get example:search=:to-search:
  12. Set db type (display by db type):
    db_type=getdisplays databases by category get example:db_type=:to-cat:
  13. Set v (hit counter):
  14. v=onenables hits counting
  15. Set fll (follow):
    fll=onenables the database to be visible only to users it follows

CONTENT PARAMETERS This content parameter will appear. The following is a list of the

content parameters
  1. %id%Displays the database id
  2. %token%Morse code token
  3. %title%Displays the database title
  4. %text%Display database text
  5. %text-20%Displays the database text of 20 words, the number 20 can be changed
  6. %text-no(word)%Filter words, use the | for more than one word example%text-no (dog, fuck)%
  7. %del%Displays the database deletion link
  8. %edit%Displays the database edit link
  9. %edit=siteid%Displays the database edit link, siteid means which page will be directed to after the database is saved eg%edit=1%
  10. %date%Displays the writing time of the database 12-12-2014 (06:30)
  11. %date=-%Shows the writing time of the database format 2 hours ago - can be changed)
  12. %by%Displays the database author
  13. %comment_count%Displays the number of sub databases
  14. %hits%Shows the number of hits to the database
  15. %db_type%Displays a database category
  16. %urlthumb%Displays the database auto image thumbnail link
  17. %thumb%Displays database automatic thumbnail images
  18. %var-value%Displays sample file variables:%var-tags%
example of writing a database list tag:
[db]bid=my database, o=u, l=5, s=:to-page:, no=Nothing || < a href="site-1.html? to-database=%id%" >%title%< /a > < br />%text-20%..[read more]< br />%comment_count%comment

Displays the total number of
databases [db]l=0, n=0 ||%count%[/db]

2. Sub databases or children from the main database

Is an instance of the main database related to the main database, this sub database must use the id of the main database, usually this code is used to display comments.
Writing format

Parameter set is a function that controls the appearance of the database, the parameter set is separated by commas Example:o=u, l=10, s=:to-page:, no=none. The following is a list of parameter sets that can be filled in thesetformat area
  1. Set to (show by to) required: to=numberdisplays based on database id
    for example:to=1 will display the id 1
    to=:to-database:displays by:to-database:and to database can be replaced with to others for example:to-id:or:to-bid:it depends on your get to link
  2. Set o (order):
    o=uOrder based on latest updates beginning
    o=ulOrder based on oldest update at earliest
    o=nOrder by name
  3. Set l (limit):
    l=numberappearance limit
    example:l=10 will return 10
  4. Set s (initial limit):
    s=numbersequence beginning
    example:s=0 means starting from the main sequence
    s=:to-page:automatic page jump by:to-page:and to page can be changed with to others for example:to-page:it depends on your get to link
  5. Set no:
    no=sentencethis parameter will appear if the database does not exist
    example:no=no database bro

3. Database Type

Usually used to create categories from main database related to parameter setting db_type=in main database
Writing format
[db_type]set || content[/db_type]


  1. Set bid (database split):
  2. With this function you can create forums, guestbooks, status updates, etc. with the tag database. Thebidfunction is the difference between one database and another.
    how to make a bid readable in the tagdatabase form
  3. bid=textDisplays the database based on the bid that has been settext. Clear bid to show database without bidMy databasecan be replaced with anything.
  4. no=textthis parameter will appear if the database does not exist


  1. %name%Displays the database type name
  2. %count%Displays the number of database types
  3. %last_by%Displays the last author name of the database type
  4. %ltime_write%Shows the last time you wrote the database
  5. %ltime_write=time format%Displays the last time the database was written in time format
Example:[db_type]|| < a href="? To-cat=%name%" >%name%< /a > (%count%) < br />[/db_type]
Shows the sum of all type databases [db_type]l=0, n=0 ||[/db_type]

4. Database Form

Used to input or enter the database
Writing format
[db_form]set || content[/db_form]
  1. bid=database idmakes the database type useful for multiple databases that can be used for forums, guestbooks, etc. not just one type of database.
    can be replaced with any labeln, for example:bid=guestbook
  2. ud=destination urlDestination url if the process is successful, leave blank to go directly to the page itself please leaveudempty


1. User List

used to display a list of users
The user writing format is
[user] set || content [/user]
Parameter Set
  1. o=u Order by newest registrant beginning
  2. o=ul Order by oldest registrant at first
  3. usr=user Displays user follow related typ parameters
  4. typ=followers Displays the followers of the user the usr parameter must be set
  5. typ=following Displays the following of the user parameter usr must be set
  6. search=get shows searches based on get example:search=:to-search:
  7. s=:to-page: get page-to-page use for paging
  8. l=number limit the appearance of the user
    example:l=10 will display 10 users
  9. no=sentence this parameter will appear if the comment does not exist
    example:no=no user
Content Parameters
  1. %name% displays the name list
    next please read the user detail code below number 2 to combine it
example1: [user] l=5, no=no user, s=:to-page:|| < img src=":profile(%name%)-urlfoto :"width=" 40px "/ > %name%:profile(%name%)-status:< br / > [/user]
examples show followers of user: [user] l=5, typ=followers, usr=:to-user(eldio) :, no=no user, s=:to- page:|| < img src=":profile(%name%)-urlfoto:" width="40px" / > %name%:profile(%name%)-status:< br / >:profile(%name%)-follow::profile(%name%)-message:< br / > [/user]

2. User Details

This code can be used in database tags, files or anywhere as long as there is an example user name:

The writing format is
Set the name
To get the user name you can combine it with a database or file that contains a user name, for example%by%in the%name%database in the file manager.
Content Parameters
  1. name Displays the username
  2. var(var value) Displays the user's var, for example var(gender)
  3. status Displays the user's on or off status
  4. ip Displays the user's ip address
  5. follow Shows the follow, follback, unfollow link to the user
  6. message Shows a message link to the user when the user has been followed
  7. browser Displays the user's browser
  8. foto Displays a 100x100 user profile photo
  9. urlfoto Displays the user's photo url
  10. dreg Displays the date of registering the user
  11. dlogin Displays the user's login date
Example3: [database] ||:profile(%by%)-photo:[/database]

3. Edit User

The user writing format is
[setuser] set || content [/setuser]
Parameter set
  1. ud=link site The page will be selected to which site link after the process is successful, for example:ud=site-3.html
Content Parameters
  1. :foto: displays the upload photo form
  2. :var-value var: displays the var user input form for example:var-gender:
  3. :var-value var(option var): displays the form select user var example::var-gender(man | woman):separated by a |
  4. :submit: displays the submit form input file
  5. :submit=text: displays the form submit file value can be changed
Example: [setuser] ud=site-0.html || Address:< br / > :var-address::submit:[/setuser]

4. User Online

The user writing format is
[online] set || content [/online]
Parameter Set
  1. o=u Order by latest online beginning
  2. o=ul Order based on oldest earliest online
  3. on=guest Show online guests, leave on to show everything online
  4. on=user Displays guest users who are registered online, leave on blank to display everything online
  5. s=:to-page: get page-to-page
  6. l=number limit the appearance of the user
    example:l=10 will display 10 users
  7. no=sentence this parameter will appear if the comment does not exist
    example:no=no user
Content Parameters
  1. %name% displays the name
  2. %ip% shows ip
  3. %browser% displays the browser
  4. %location% shows online location
  5. %long% shows online duration
  6. %date% displays the date
  7. %date=time format% displays the date in time format
example: [online] l=10, s=:to-page:|| <div class="list"> Name:%name%<br/> Location:%location%<br/> Browser:%browser%<br/> Long:%long%</div> [/online]


1. List of Message

The user writing format is
[msg] set || content [/ msg]
Parameter Set
  1. o=u Order by newest registrant beginning
  2. o=ul Order by oldest registrant at first
  3. to =:to-id: Displays messages by:to-id:
  4. m=in Displays the message inbox, leave m blank to display all messages
  5. m=out Displays the message outbox, leave m blank to display all messages
  6. m=new Displays the unread message inbox, leave m blank to display all messages
  7. s=:to-page: get page from url? to-page=number
  8. l=number limit the appearance of the user
    example:l=10 will display 10 users
  9. no=sentence this parameter will appear if the comment does not exist
    example:no=no user
Content Parameters
  1. %id% displays the id
  2. %name% displays the name
  3. %text% displays text
  4. %text=number% displays text with a number limit
  5. %date% displays the date
  6. %date=time format% displays the date in time format
  7. %status% displays the status message
example1: [msg] m=in, l=10, no=no message || < div class="list" > From:%name%:profile(%name%)-status:<br/>%text%</div > [/ msg]

To display the number of inbox messages: [msg] m=in, l=0, no=0 || [/msg]
To display the number of outbox messages: [msg] m=out, l=0, no=0 || [/msg]
To display the number of new messages: [msg] m=new, l=0, no=0 || [/msg]

2. Add New Message

To create a reply message form or write a message, use the
link <a href="site_message.html?user= username"> Write Message </a>


Bbcode is used for writing databases, here is a list of bbcode:

  1. [br] newline
  2. [b] text [/b] bold font
  3. [u] text [/u] underscore font
  4. [i] text [/i] italic fonts
  5. [m] text [/m] scroll font
  6. [p=center] text [/p] middle location, center can be changed to left, right, justify
  7. [a=url] text [/a] url link example: [a=] example [/a]
  8. [div=clasnya] text [/div] div class example: [div=menu] my name is dio [/div]
  9. [img=url] text [/img] displays an image and this code will detect the image as a post thumbnail for example: [img=] test [/img]
  10. [img=url style=css content] alt [/img] Example: [img= style=width: 100px;] test [/img]
  11. [code] text/code [/code] For writing code in the form of a textarea


The use of paging is very important in creating a site. What if we have a lot of content on one page and we want to limit it page per page then it is really needed
The page writing format is
[pg] set || content [/pg]
Parameter Set
  1. target if there is more than one codeio fm or db we can set the target position which will be in the paging setting, for example if your location has 2 codeio db codes on the page if you want to make paging for Codeio second then use the code target=2
  2. no=none when the page does not exist
Content parameters
  1. %prev% Previous page
  2. %prev=word% Previous page but word can be replaced
  3. %next% Next page
  4. %next=word% Next page but words can be replaced
  5. %last% Number of pages in the form of a link
  6. %nlast% Number of pages in text / number
  7. %n% paging number
example1: [pg] target=1, no=only one page ||%prev%%next%[/pg]